Checking date: 25/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Labor Sociology
Bachelor in Business Administration (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 147 - Estudio: 204)

Coordinating teacher: VEIRA RAMOS, ALBERTO

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Knowledge: - To learn concepts, theories and functioning of labour relations and the world of work from a sociological perspective. - To analyze the changes and evolution of contemporary societies. - To understand and be able to appreciate differentiate labor markets. - To know the basic sources of information labor partner. - To learn and analyze employment and working conditions in today's society. Skills: - Ability to recognize the complexity of social phenomena. - Ability to manage information. - Capacity in decision-making. - Ability to work in group - Ability to contextualize the labour relations - Skills in the management of human resources in organizations Attitudes: - Ethical commitment. - Critical thinking. - Motivation for quality. - Proactivity and cooperation. - Curiosity and effort.
Description of contents: programme
- Introduction: background and basic concepts of the sociology of work. - Industrialization and social change: from the industrial society to the information age. - Labor market analysis. - Paradigms of the social organization of work. - Working conditions and quality of working life. - Labour conflict and collective bargaining.
Learning activities and methodology
ECTS credits are divided into two parts: (1) Theory and (2) Practices. (1) Theoretical contents will be supported on participatory classroom lessons, using the pedagogically most appropriate methodology for each exposure. Students will have all schemes that are projected in the classroom of each topic in Aula Global. (2) Practice exercises are presented in two ways: - The first way is based on practices related to each topic after its ending. In these classroom practices will be used, as support, some of the basic readings of the literature, newspaper articles, legal texts, documentaries or movies, searches for sources and management of labor statistics - The second way consists on a classroom test of a book from the supplementary bibliography, decided by the teacher at the beginning of the course.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • AUGUST STRINDBER. Pequeño Catecismo para la Clase Obrera. Capitan Swing.
  • Ceniceros, J.C.; Oteo, . La Orientación sociolaboral basada en itinerarios. Una propuesta metodológica para la intervención con personas en riesgo de exclusión.. Fundación Tomillo. Madrid.. 2003
  • Guy Standing. El precariado. Capitán Swing.
  • JOSE FELIX TEZANOS Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid. El trabajo perdido. ¿Hacia una civilización postlaboral?. Biblioteca Nueva.
  • Köhler, H. D. . Manual de la sociología del trabajo y de las relaciones laborales. Delta Publicaciones. 2006
  • MANUEL CASTELLS . La era de la información. Vol. 1. La sociedad red. (Prólogo y capítulos 2, 3 y 4). Alianza.
  • ROBERT CASTEL. . La metamorfosis de la cuestión social: una crónica del salariado. . Ed. Paidós. Buenos Aires.. 1995
Additional Bibliography
  • ALONSO, L.E. . . Trabajo y ciudadanía. Editorial Trotta. Madrid.
  • ANDRÉ GORZ Editorial . La metamorfosis del trabajo.. Sistema. Madrid.
  • COLIN GILL Work . Unemployment and the New Technology. Polity Press.
  • JAVIER G. POLAVIEJA . . Estables y precarios. Desregulación laboral y estratificación social en España. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
  • MIKE RIGBY Y RAFAEL SERRANO DEL ROSAL (EDS.) . Estrategias sindicales en Europa: Convergencias o divergencias . Consejo Económico y Social .
  • ORIO GIARINI Y PATRICK M. LIEDTKE . Barcelona. El dilema del empleo. El futuro del trabajo. . Galaxia Gutemberg.
  • ULBRICH BECK . Un nuevo mundo feliz. La precariedad del trabajo en la era de la globalización. Paidós. Barcelona.
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.