Checking date: 25/04/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Travels and images tourist spaces
Bachelor in Tourism (Plan: 381 - Estudio: 209)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
This course focuses on aspects directly related to the evolution and present state of cultural representations of tourism landscapes and territory in the contemporary world. In this sense it has some connections with subjects such as of Territorial Heritage and Cultural Heritage, as well as with certain optional subjects, such as Travel Literature and History of Tourism. Having taken these kind of subjects previously would be helpful -although not mandatory or indispensable- to be more familiar with this subject,
-Ability to critically analyze different travel modalities linked to tourism and its cultural representations (such as travel literature, artistic iconography, photo and filmic images , advertising, etc.). -Ability to analyze the tourist image of countries and places, the processes of production and reception of those images and its economic, territorial and cultural impact. -Ability to identify, design and suggest itineraries and other forms of tourism based on the use of significant cultural representations (literary tours, film tourism, trips to nature, etc.). -ability to analyze the tourist information; ability to use communication techniques; creativity; sensitivity to the natural and cultural heritage, as well as to sustainable tourism development; appreciation and recognition of the geographical and cultural diversity of the world; critical reasoning, etc.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course is conceived as an introduction to knowledge and analysis of the images of tourist destinations in the world today. The subject will focused on the four following aspects: 1) the importance, typology and mechanisms of formation of images of tourist destinations; 2) the diverse media which are involved in the formation of such images (with special attention to the role played by the travel books, tourist guides, photography and cinema); 3) the origins and evolution of the tourist image of contemporary Spain; and 4) the relevance and exploitation of cultural images of places and regions as a resource for designing tourist itineraries and products. According to these axes of interest the program is divided into the following topics: 1. THE IMAGE OF TOURIST SPACES: BASIC CONCEPTS, PROCESSES OF FORMATION AND METHODS OF STUDY 2. TRAVEL BOOKS, TRAVEL GUIDES AND OTHER RELEVANT MEDIA FOR THE FORMATION OF TOURIST IMAGES 3. CULTURAL REPRESENTATIONS AND TOURIST IMAGE OF SPAIN 4. WHEN THE CULTURAL IMAGE BECOMES A TOURIST RESOURCE: FROM LITERARY ROUTES TO FILM TOURISM
Learning activities and methodology
The learning activities of the course include: - theoretical lectures -practical classes consisting of the reading, presentation and commentary of texts proposed by the teacher, as well as the design and presentation of an original tourist itinerary based on literary or cinematographic representations. Tutorials will be carried out through the procedures established by the university.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • AMIROU, R.. L'imaginaire touristique. CNRS . 2012
  • AUGÉ, M. . El viaje imposible. El turismo y sus imágenes. Gedisa. 1998
  • DONAIRE, J.A. . Turismo cultural. Entre la experiencia y el ritual. Vitel-la. 2012
  • EGBERTS, L.; ALVAREZ, M. eds.. Heritage and Tourism. Places, Imageries and the Digital Age. Amsterdam University Press. 2018
  • GRUPO TERAP . Espacios y destinos turísticos en tiempos de globalización y crisis,. Madrid, AGE - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 2011
  • MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, E.. La montaña y el arte: miradas desde la pintura, la música y la literatura. Fórcola. 2017
  • MARTÍNEZ DE PISÓN, E. y ORTEGA, N, eds.. El paisaje: de los exploradores a los turistas. UAM. 2016
  • MORENO, A. . Historia del turismo en España en el siglo XX. Síntesis. 2007
  • NÚNEZ, R. . Sol y sangre. La imagen de España en el mundo. Espasa. 2001
  • POUTET, H.. Images touristiques de L'Espagne : De la propagande politique a la promotion touristique. L¿Harmattan, . 1995
  • PULIDO FERNÁNDEZ, J.I., coord.. Turismo cultural. Síntesis. 2013
  • RECUERO, N. y otros. Marketing del turismo cultural. ESIC. 2016
  • REY REGUILLO, A. del. (ed.) . Cine, imaginario y turismo. Tirant lo Blanch. 2007
  • SELWYN, T.. The tourist image: myths and myth making in tourism. Wiley. 1996
  • URRY, J. . The tourist gaze, 2nd ed.. Sage. 2002
  • URRY, J. y LARSEN, J.. The tourist gaze 3.0. Sage. 2011
  • VARELA, J. y otros (eds). La mirada del otro. La imagen de España ayer y hoy. Fórcola. 2016
  • VEGA, C.. Lógicas turísticas de la fotografía. Cátedra. 2011

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.