Checking date: 18/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Cultural tourism and museums
Bachelor in Tourism (Plan: 381 - Estudio: 209)


Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The aim is for the student to know the basic technical principles of cultural tourism and museums in order to be able to develop correct tourism management within the framework of cultural heritage and museums. In order to achieve this objective, the student must learn a series of knowledge and acquire specific skills and attitudes. In terms of knowledge, at the end of the course the student will be able to - Understand the importance of cultural tourism in tourism management. - Understand the importance of museums and their relationship with cultural tourism. - Analyse the problems generated in the development of cultural tourism - Analyse the problems generated in the use of museums as part of tourism management - Recognise tourism activities related to culture and museums. In terms of specific skills, the student will be able at the end of the course to: - Document himself/herself on cultural tourism and museums - Carry out studies on cultural tourism and museums. - Know the problems generated by cultural tourism and museums and be able to solve them. - Identify and manage cultural tourism and museum sites and destinations - Evaluate cultural tourism potentials and the prospective analysis of their exploitation and maintenance. In terms of general abilities or skills, the learner will be able to: ¿ The ability to search for, communicate and discriminate which information is relevant to a given decision: - The ability to search for, communicate and discriminate which information is relevant to a given decision. - The ability to be concerned with sustainability in all areas. - The ability to apply multidisciplinary knowledge to the resolution of a given problem. The student should have the following attitudes at the end of the course: - An attitude of study and analysis of the cultural aspects of tourism. - A critical attitude towards tourism activities carried out on heritage sites - An attitude of respect towards cultural aspects of tourism.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
To introduce students to the basic ideas of cultural tourism and familiarise them with the work of museums from the point of view of tourism. Program: 1. Cultural tourism: concepts and background. 2. Tourism policies and cultural tourism. 3. Cultural tourism and sustainable development. 4. The impact of tourism on cultural heritage. Creative tourism. 5. Cultural tourism proposals and projects. Creative tourism. 6. Museums. 7. Museum typologies. 8. History of museums in Spain. 9. Museum architecture. 10. Museum management. 11. Museums and heritage interpretation. Translated with (free version)
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching methodology will include: - Lectures, in which the knowledge to be acquired by the students will be presented. - Case studies related to cultural tourism and museums. - Practical classes in which students will carry out activities in which they will apply what they have studied about cultural tourism and museums to examples known to them. - Visits to cultural tourism sites and museums. - Viewing of documentaries and films related to the subject.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ALDEROQUI, S. y PEDERSOLI, C. . La educación en los museos: De los objetos a los visitantes.. Paidós. 2011
  • GARCÍA MORALES , M.V. et ali. . El estudio del patrimonio cultural, . Ramón Areces. 2017
  • GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, I.. Conservación del patrimonio cultural: teoría, historia, principios y normas,. Madrid: Cátedra. 2018
  • OECD . Tourism and the Creative Economy.. OECD. 2014
  • RICHARDS, Greg,. Cultural Tourism 3.0: the future of urban tourism in Europe?¿ en GARIBALDI, R. ed. Il turismo Culturale Europeo. Città ri-visitate.. Franco Angeli,. 2011
  • SANTACANA MESTRE, Joan y HERNÁNDEZ CARDONA, Francesc Xavier . Museología crítica,. Gijón: Trea. 2006
  • TRESSERRAS, Juan J. . El turismo naranja, el color del turismo cultural y creativo, en Revista de Economía Creativa. Santiago Creativo nº 1: 51-52.. Santiago de Chile: Programa CORFO del Ministerio de Economía de Chile. . 2014
  • AA.VV. . Patrimonio inmaterial y gestión de la diversidad,. Sevilla: Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico-Consejería de Cultura, 2005. 2005
  • ADIPROPE (Asociación para la Difusión y Promoción del Patrimonio Mundial de España) . El Patrimonio mundial, cultural, natural e inmaterial de España, . Mc Graw Hill,. 2019
  • ASENJO, Mikel y ASENJO, Elena eds. . Lazos de luz azul: museos y tecnologías 1, 2 y 3.0. UOC. 2020
  • AVILA, Ana. El arte y sus museos. Ediciones del Serbal, Barcelona. 2003
  • BALLART HERNÁNDEZ, Josep . Manual de Museos, . Madrid: Síntesis. 2007
  • BALLART HERNÁNDEZ, Josep; TRESSERRAS, Jordi Juan. Gestión del patrimonio cultural. . Barcelona: Ariel,. 2001
  • BAST, Gerald & CARAYANNIS, Elias G. & CAMPBELL, David F. J. . The Future of Museums.. Springer International Publishing,. 2018
  • BRITO, Marcelo. Ciudades históricas como destinos patrimoniales. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía. 2009
  • CABAÑAS BRAVO, Miguel & LÓPEZ-YARTO ELIZALDE, Amelia &RINCÓN, GARCÍA, Wifredo eds. . El arte y el viaje. . Madrid: Instituto de Historia. 2011
  • CALLE VAQUERO, Manuel de la , VELASCO GONZÁLEZ, María ; PULIDO FERNÁNDEZ, Juan Ignacio (coord.). Turismo Cultural. Madrid: Síntesis. 2013
  • CUENCA LÓPEZ, José María & MARTÍN CÁCERES, Miriam. Manual para el desarrollo de proyectos educativos de museos. Gijón: Trea. 2014
  • CUENCA LÓPEZ, José María & MARTÍN CÁCERES, Miriam . Manual para el desarrollo de proyectos educativos de museos. Gijón: Trea. 2014
  • DELOCHE, Bernard: . El museo virtual.. Gijón: Trea. 2002
  • DIEGO, Estrella de . Rincones de postales: turismo y hospitalidad. . Madrid: Cátedra,. 2014
  • FOX, Alice y MACPHERSON, Hannah. Inclusive arts Practice and Rescearch: a critical manifesto,. Routledge. 2020
  • GUTIÉRREZ CORTINES CORRAL, Cristina ed.. Desarrollo sostenible y patrimonio histórico y natural: una nueva mirada hacia la renovación del pasado, . Fundación Marcelo Botín, 2002. 2002
  • GÓMEZ MARTÍNEZ, Javier . Dos museologías. Las tradiciones anglosajona y mediterránea: diferencias y contactos.. Gijón: Trea. 2006
  • LAYUNO ROSAS, M. A.. Museos de arte contemporáneo en España. Del palacio de las artes a la arquitectura como arte. Trea, Gijón. 2003
  • MONDEJAR JIMÉNEZ, Juan Antonio. Turismo cultural en ciudades patrimonio de la humanidad. Ediciones de Castilla-La Mancha. 2009
  • PEREZ MATEO, Soledad. Vega Inclán y las Casas Museo: un concepto inédito del turismo cultural en la España de Alfonso XIII . Cuadernos de Turismo, (42), 421¿445.. 2018
  • POVEDANO MARRUGAT, Elisa, HINOJOSA AGUILERA, María. . Patrimonio cultural y turismo responsable, en Patrimonio cultural y marketing digital. (págs. 59-76). Madrid: Dykinson, . 2018
  • RAMOS LIZANA, Manuel. El turismo cultural, los museos y su planificacio¿n. Gijo¿n : Trea. 2007
  • RICHARDS, Greg . Creativity and tourism in the city. . Current Issues in Tourism,. 2013
  • RODRÍGUEZ FRADE, Juan Pablo. . Manual de museografía. . Córdoba: Almuzara, . 2019
  • ROMERO TOBAR, Leonardo . Los libros de viaje. Realidad vivida y género literario.. Madrid: Akal,. 2005
  • SANTANA TALAVERA, Agustín; PRATS CANALS, Lorenç coor. . El encuentro del turismo con el patrimonio cultural: concepciones teóricas y modelos de aplicación. [X Congreso de Antropología]. . Sevilla: Fundación El Monte,. 2005
  • THOMAS, Emily. . El viaje y su sentido. Cuando los filósofos se hicieron nómadas. . Barcelona: Shackleton. 2021
  • TILDEN, Freeman . La interpretación de nuestro patrimonio. . Sevilla: Asociación para la Interpretación del Patrimonio,. 2006
  • TROITIÑO VINUESA, M.A. ed. . Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Patrimonio, Turismo y Recuperación Urbana. . Sevilla: Ed. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía,. 2009
  • VALLINA VALLINA, Alicia.. Museos, galerías y rarezas. Estudio sobre la Museographia Neickeliana. . Madrid: Ediciones asimétricas. 2020
  • VIERA, Manuel.. El imaginario español en las Exposiciones Universales del siglo XIX. Exotismo y modernidad.. Madrid: Cátedra. 2020
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