Checking date: 11/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Sciencie, technology and gender
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (Plan: 446 - Estudio: 221)

Coordinating teacher: SAN SEGUNDO MANUEL, ROSA

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Courses of humanities
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Not need to have passed specific subjects. Students will be introduced to the current conception of the knowledge society, science and technology with a gender perspective. The objective of this course is to train people from different disciplines and areas of knowledge in the knowledge society with a gender perspective and in the Spanish system of science and technology, as spaces of segregation. There will be new spaces for debate and reflection based on the fact that inequality between women and men is the primary cause of violence, and analyzing the forms of social tolerance of aggression against women, both in the public and private spheres.
COMPETENCES ACQUIRED BY THE STUDENT AND RESULTS OF LEARNING: Knowledge of the Information Society Analysis of the Science and Technology System Gender perspective in the areas of knowledge, Science and Digital Technologies
Description of contents: programme
TOPIC 1. Feminist theory 1.1. Sexism and segregationism 1.2. Creation of the symbolic order 1.3. The woman's body 1.4. Objectification and alienation UNIT 2. Construction and history of inequality 2.1. First wave. Illustration 2.1. Second wave. Suffragism 2.2. Third wave. Feminism S.XX TOPIC 3. Sexism and gender violence 3.1. Gender violence 3.2. Creation of the symbolic order 3.3. Characteristics UNIT 4. Women and Science 4.1. Historical overview of the educational situation of women 4.2. Segregation of female researchers in science 4.3. Sexist biases in science and epistemology 4.4 Measures to alleviate gender inequality in the science and technology system UNIT 5. Women in the history of science and technology 5.1. Early scientific philosophers 5.2. Knowledge and science of women in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 5.3. Women scientists in modern science 5.4. Women scientists and technologists today UNIT 6. Gender identity in audiovisual discourse 6.1. Introduction, the body of women 6.2. Impressionism of audiovisual language 6.3. Training and education through the audiovisual story 6.4. Think and analyze the image
Learning activities and methodology
1. TEACHING METHODOLOGY (Three classes face-to-face) THEORETICAL CLASSES. In them will be exposed subjects related to the subject. Theoretical approaches. The 3 classes will be theoretical (2 subjects will be taught in each of the total of 6 subjects of the subject) and debates in the classroom. The 6 subjects with the theoretical contents will be available to the students and will, if necessary, be accompanied by clear examples or explanatory links. The students have to address the theoretical problems dealt with in each didactic unit, completing them with the readings and participation in the debates; And also have to try to resolve the issues raised by other colleagues. PRACTICAL CLASSES. In the three theoretical classes debates will be held on each topic. And they will join the Debates Forum. Links or reading will be recommended, which will be included in the texts that will be delivered in PDF format and will be analyzed in each of the six debates in classes and in forums to be articulated. Active participation in the six discussion forums on reading is important. A discussion forum will be held in the global classroom 2 for each of the six themes with a weekly duration, in which participants should participate. TEST OR QUESTIONNAIRES Self-evaluation exercises. Each of the six modules will comprise a self-assessment exercise. It is important to carry out, in time, the six self-evaluation exercises, so that you can have an awareness of your own progress TRAINING ACTIVITIES The student will have at his disposal in the platform all the material of the course that will comprise: The six theoretical classes, in the context of the theoretical part the six topics will include the recommended readings. Students will also have materials available in the library. The six questionnaires or self-assessment exercises. Each topic includes a questionnaire to be performed. The six practices, in the context of the practical part, it is essential to read the texts delivered and insert them in the forums. The six forums to participate. Each topic includes a forum where you have to participate, The proportional part of the subject by subject is 0.5 credits for each subject. INDIVIDUAL, COLLECTIVE AND ONLINE PERSONAL TUTORIAS. The tutorials of the type that they are are of great use for the development of the subject. There are tutorials that can be individually face-to-face, in which students will be helped to solve doubts or questions related to the class, topics, readings and practical exercises. Throughout the course, an open and constant way of communication through e-mail is maintained. There will also be electronic tutorials and consultations, articulated electronically through the Global Classroom 2 platform. Collective tutorials will be held periodically through electronic mail for the continuous resolution of doubts and other issues, through forums. Communication tools and resources will be used continuously and for all units of the course as many forums as email. Students will be able to use the global classroom platform2 as well as electronic mail to formulate as many questions as necessary in the development of the course. They will also be done through the subject forum
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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