Checking date: 10/04/2022

Course: 2022/2023

Mechanics of Flight I
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (Plan: 421 - Estudio: 251)

Coordinating teacher: SANCHEZ ARRIAGA, GONZALO

Department assigned to the subject: Aerospace Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Mechanics applied to Aerospace Engineering Aerodynamics I Aerospace Propulsion I
Flight Mechanics I introduces students to aircraft performance. It includes the general equation of motion of aircraft and the analysis of the flight in cruise conditions, climbing and descent maneuvers in the vertical plane, coordinated turn, takeoff and landing. The course also discusses some basic concepts on stability and control like the neutral point. It makes emphasis on the mathematical models and analysis techniques of this engineering branch, simulation of the aircraft motion, and evaluation of flying qualities, with brief discussion on regulations, guidance, navigation, and control.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction to Mechanics of Flight 1.1. Subject of Mechanics of Flight 1.2. Elements of the Aircraft 1.3. Aircraft Reference Geometry 1.4. Reference Frames 1.4.1. Basic Reference Frames 1.4.2. Transformations 1.5. Summary of vocabulary 2. Equations of Motion 2.1. Kinematics 2.2. Dynamics 2.3. External forces 2.3.1. Aerodynamic Terms 2.3.2. Propulsive Terms 2.4. Examples 3. Performances 3.1. Cruise condition. 3.1.1 Required thrust and power 3.1.2 Range and endurance. Control laws. 3.1.3 Flight Envelope 3.1.4 The Neutral Point 3.2. Flight in Vertical Plane 3.2.1 General Equations 3.2.2 Quasi-static approximation 3.2.3 Optimal maneuvers and control laws 3.2.3 Gliding performance 3.2.4 Range 3.3. Turning Flight 3.3.1 General Equations 3.3.2 Coordinated turn. Instrumentation. 3.3.3 Turning performances and control laws. 3.3.4 Flight Envelope 3.4. Takeoff and Landing 3.4.1 Basic definitions and legal framework 3.4.2 Takeoff Phases and modeling 3.4.3 Balanced Field Length 3.4.4 Landing Phases and modeling 3.5. Advanced Performanc Determination 3.5.1 Ground Effects 3.5.2 Performances and Flight Envelope at high speeds 3.5.3 Energy Methods
Learning activities and methodology
Theoretical sessions. Exercise sessions working individually and in groups. Laboratory sessions with simulation software.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Bernard Etkin and Lloyd D. Reid. . Dynamics of Flight. . Wiley.. 1996
  • Mario Asselin. An Introduction to Aircraft Performance.. AIAA Educational Series. 1997
  • Michael Cook. Flight Dynamic Principles. Butterworth-Heinemann. 2007
Additional Bibliography
  • Alfred Cotterill Kermode. Mechanics of Flight. Longman. 1996
  • Bandu N. Pamadi. Performance, Stability, Dynamics and Control of Airplanes. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.. 2004
  • Bernard Etkin. Dynamics of Atmosopheric Flight. Dover Publications. 2005
  • Francis J. Hale . Introduction to Aircraft Performance, Selection and Design. Wiley. 1984
  • Holt Ashley. Engineering Analysis of Flight Vehicles. Courier Dover Publications. 1992
  • Robert C. Nelson. Flight Stability and Automatic Control. WCB/McGraw Hill. 1998
  • Shiva Kumar Ojha. Flight Performance of Aircraft. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 1995
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.