Checking date: 06/11/2017

Course: 2018/2019

Mobile Security
Master in Cybersecurity (Plan: 325 - Estudio: 288)

Coordinating teacher: SEDANO JARILLO, FCO JAVIER

Department assigned to the subject: Telematic Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


After the course, the students will be able to: - Analyze mobile systems and communications from a security point of view. - Apply appropriate security services, mechanisms and protocols according to a concrete case. - Apply acquired knowledge to solve problems under novel situations or within broader (multidisciplinar) contexts related with mobile systems and terminals, and wireless communications. - Analyze risks and threats of introducing personal mobile devices (BYOD) in an enterprise environment. Know and apply measures to control such risks. - Discuss in a public audience about their acquired knowledge, and the conclusions from the work. Students will be able to give their foundational and most convincing reasons to a specialized and non specialized audience in a clear way, without ambiguities. - Elaborate reports in a clear, concrete and reasoned way. Such reports include threats and risks modeling in a specific scenario, where mobile systems, terminals and communications take part. - Continue studying in a autonomous or self-directed way
Description of contents: programme
This course presents and elaborates security aspects and protection mechanisms against attacks related to systems and communications in wireless networks, both local area and wide area, and mobile devicies. The course program is organized as follows: 1. Introduction to the Cellular Phone Standards 1.1. Cellular Phone Networks and Mobility 1.2. Data Protection 1.3. Key Distribution 2. Security in Wireless Communications 2.1. VoIP Security for Mobile Applications 3. Known Attacks to Cellular Phone Networks and Mobile Data 3.1. Radio Channel 3.2. SIM/USIM Cards Security and Privacy 4. Platforms for Mobile Devices 4.1. Resources Protection 4.2. Protection against social engineering 5. Security in Smartphones 5.1. Mobile Device Management (MDM) 5.2. Mobile Malware & Application Development
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching methodology consists of following learning activities: - Lectures given by the professor using audiovisual elements to develope the main concepts and to provide additional references for further learning. - Analysis of recommended lectures (e.g., news, papers, reports). - Complementary activities to broaden and consolidate the acquired knowledge. Such activities could be of different nature: problems, discussion of practical cases, and/or exercises using the computers in order to test tools that are useful for the attacks simulation and development of mobile applications. - Elaboration and oral presentation of technical works (i.e., individual and team work) by the students. - Individual tutoring.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • Boudriga, Noureddine. Security of Mobile Communications. Auerbach. 2010
  • D. Forsberg, G. Horn, W.D. Moeller, V. Niemi. LTE Security. John Wiley & Sons. 2012
  • Dwivedi, Himanshu.. Mobile application security.. McGraw-Hill.. 2010
  • Neil Bergman; Mike Stanfield; Jason Rouse; Joel Scambray; Sarath Geethakumar; Swapnil Deshmukh; Scott Matsumoto; John Steven; Mike Price. . Hacking Exposed Mobile Security Secrets & Solutions.. McGraw-Hill.. 2013
Additional Bibliography
  • Lee Barken.. How Secure Is Your Wireless Network? Safeguarding Your Wi-Fi LAN.. Prentice Hall.. 2003.
  • Ollie Whitehouse; Shaun Colley; Tyrone Erasmus; Dominic Chell.. The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook.. Chell. John Wiley & Sons.. 2015

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.