- The student will identify business situations likely to be treated as projects in the field of Communications and Information Technologies (PO h). The student will acquire knowledge of the principles, techniques and methodologies in which project management is based. The student also will develop capabilities for the techno-economic direction, coordination, and management of projects (PO e, f, g).
-The objective of this course is to familiarise the student with the basic principles of the worldwide telecommunication business and the related policy aspects (PO h,j). Special interest will be devoted to the European and Spanish scenarios (PO j). Special focus will be allocated to establish the role that Information and Telecommunications technologies and developments play in the economical growth in trade, industry and services (PO h,j). The implications of the monopolistic environment and the new competitive framework will be explained and understood (PO f,j). The evolution of telecommunication policies will be described and the contemporary events will de discussed (PO h,j). The rationale behind the current legal situation will be analysed and the evolution of the present European and USA frameworks will be discussed (PO j). The importance of New Media in the Telecommunication Business will be highlighted (PO h,j). The national, regional and international structures dedicated to the standardisation and compliance certification for systems and equipments are described (PO h,j). International Standardisation Bodies will be described in detail and their role in the Network exploitation and Services Provision will be discussed (PO h,j).