Firstly, there is a block dedicated to the design of digital circuits of medium-high complexity by means of hardware description languages. Second, microelectronics is studied, including transistor level design and design level for both analog and digital blocks. This second block presents current manufacturing technologies and CMOS manufacturing processes. Aspects related to the integration of mixed signal circuits are also included. Finally, there is a third block dedicated to the special considerations of IC design.
1. Introduction to integrated circuits and microelectronics. Design methodology
2. Design of digital integrated circuits and validation using hardware description languages
- Design of medium-high complexity digital circuits with VHDL
- Types of digital architectures: serial, parallel, pipelined
- Validation, simulation models
3. Microelectronics. Digital Integrated Circuit Design
- Introduction to existing manufacturing technologies. CMOS technology.
- Transistor level design of logic gates and functions.
4. Manufacture of integrated circuits
- Manufacturing processes
- Layout
5. Microelectronics. Analog integrated circuit design.
- Transistor level
- Layout level
6. Practical considerations of manufacturing integrated circuits