- The learning activities and methodology are based on:
Magistral classes were the basic and fundamental concepts of the course will be included. The students will handle material used during the regular classes, and they will hace access to one Text-book of reference.
Practical Classes, to motivate the students to solve practical examples and exercices. This will allow the students to evaluate the level of comprehension of the concepts of the course.
Laboratory Exercices and Practices, where the students will study the working principles of light emitters as LEDs and diode lasers as well as PIN and APDs photodiodes as light detectors in Laboratory practices. These laboratory practices will be complemented by studying the speed and bandwidth of these devices. These Practices will be done by using the LTSpice circuit simulator, where the Students will be developing equivalent models of the Diode Lasers for a better understanding of its operation and performances through a large signal equivalent circuit of a Semicondutor Laser, in order to analyse the optical absorption, the spontaneous emisión, the stimulated emission and the amplification in a Diode Laser. And with a small signal equivalent circuit of a Semiconductor Laser to study the frequency response of a Diode Laser, by obtaining the maximum modulation frequency.
Finally, there will be practical laboratory classes of laser interferometry, diffraction and Fourier optics to understand the emission characteristics and spatial radiation as well as the spectral characterisctics to be used in optical communications and optical signal processing.