Checking date: 28/03/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Knowledge Society
Bachelor in Cultural Studies (Plan: 435 - Estudio: 364)

Coordinating teacher: HERAS HERRERO, BEATRIZ DE LAS

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Science and technology are shaping today's society. The result is the emergence of a new way of installing human beings in the world and, consequently, of a new model of society. We are in a period of transition, which we call in different ways depending on the degree of commitment we wish to achieve: post-industrial society, information society, technological society, digital society¿. A transition that is leading to what is already being heralded as the knowledge society. The subject therefore studies a process of change, of profound change that is being experienced, and which, consequently, is not finished. This requires a dynamic view of the study and not a snapshot of the present moment. The subject should therefore provide the student with the ability to: - Observe and value the presence of science and technology in today's world and their proximity at all levels of social life. - Perceive the processes of change to which the different activities in society and, of course, individuals are subject. - To reflect on concepts that are indispensable for understanding change, such as crisis, innovation, risk, obsolescence, uncertainty, maladjustment, etc., and to assimilate them for use as instruments for analysing situations in today's world. - To practice a dynamic vision of social phenomena, however current they may be, which leads to analysing them bearing in mind that they have undergone a process of evolution up to now and that the future is present in the form of imbalances, of problems that will be generators of future events. - To represent an immediate scenario different from the current one in which knowledge constitutes the main wealth of a society and the main reorganiser of its structures. And at the same time the generator of new inequalities and dependencies between populations. - To open up to transdisciplinarity as a way of tackling the situations of complex societies. - Understanding that transitions are always diffuse both in their manifestations and in their boundaries, and thus developing a practice of analysis of change that is different from compartmentalisation. These skills also provide useful competences not only for the intellectual training needed to understand today's world, but also for professional activity, whatever it may be, as it provides an understanding of change, permanent innovation, the role of knowledge¿ and thus prepares for the challenges that every profession will face.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course is divided in four parts: The first part is introductory and oriented to center the subject as a trans-disciplinary fiels of study and how this is reflected into the course programme. The second part deals with a historical analysis of the process of development of our society, aiming to find out into the industrial society the symptoms and origins that presage the transformation, and, finally, the development of elements constituting the wheels of transition to a new model. The third part describes the characteristics of a knowledge society that allow to differentiate this society from the original industrial society. An especial attention is paid to transformations in economy, politics, society, and education. The fourth part of the course aims to analyse the main challenges of knowledge society for the 21th Century.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.