On the one hand, Cultural Studies understand culture as a constitutive process, which holds as much weight as as economic or material bases in the shaping of social subjects and historical events. For this reason, they offer a unique approach to reflect on complex topics such diversity related to national identities and shaping of Otherness, or to reflect on topics as racial, functional, age, social class, gender, and sexual diversity.
On the other, Diversity Studies not only enable critical examination of different forms of discrimination, but they also offer creative resources to conceptualize diversity as a cultural asset.
The program of the Seminario Interdisciplinar Diversidad subject is aligned, in general terms, with all the commitments voluntarily acquired by the uc3m in terms of compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, objectives 4, 5, 8 and 16 are assumed as the backbone of the global teaching project of the literature area of the uc3m, which exercises its critical work within a higher public education institution, since they advocate quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth and peace, justice and the creation of strong institutions. In particular, this subject, as inferred from its reading program, the activity plan, the training process and the thematic repertoire addressed, with its corresponding explanations, also takes into account objectives 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, since as a whole they are concerned with reflecting on how to build a more just and decent society, favor inclusion within a diverse human fabric and act responsibly in the use and management of resources natural and caring for the environment.