Checking date: 13/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Rhetoric, Culture, and Mass Media
Bachelor in Cultural Studies (Plan: 435 - Estudio: 364)

Coordinating teacher: SERRA , MARCELLO

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


To understand the textual strategies deployed in the media. To understand the reasons for the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of media communications and their persuasive power. To acquire the ability to make a critical analysis of the main media products.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course aims to provide useful tools for the analysis and understanding of mediatised communicative forms and their effects of meaning. It will study the set of discursive procedures that construct the relationship between the enunciator, the enunciatee and the text, whether verbal, visual or audiovisual. Particular attention will be paid to the strategies of veridiction and the role of believing in persuasive communication. 1. Media genres 2. Documentariness and fictionality 3. Journalistic discourse 4. Advertising discourse 5. Political discourse
Learning activities and methodology
Lectures will present the fundamental concepts of the subject and illustrate them through case studies. Students will deepen their knowledge by reading the texts suggested in class and, working in groups and individually, will apply the analytical tools learned to other examples. During the weeks of the course, group and individual tutorships will be held to clarify doubts that may arise.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Albergamo, Maria (ed.). La transparencia engaña. Biblioteca Nueva. 2014
  • Carrera, Pilar. Basado en hechos reales. Cátedra. 2020
  • Floch, Jean-Marie. Semiotics, Marketing and Communication: Beneath the Signs, the Strategies. 2001. Palgrave MacMillan
  • Francescutti, Pablo. Análisis y opinión periodística. Sus géneros y estrategias argumentativas. Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces. 2021
  • Lozano, Jorge. Persuasión. Estrategias del creer. Universidad del País Vasco. 2012
  • Lozano, Jorge. El discurso periodístico: entre el discurso histórico y la fiction. Hacia una semiótica del acontecimiento. Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico. 2013
  • Serra, Marcello. Maradona entre la tierra y el cielo. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 20. 2015
  • Serra, Marcello; González Rayco. Ciudadanos: The Myth of Neutrality. Semiotica Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l¿Association Internationale de Sémiotique . 2018
  • Serra, Marcello; González, Rayco. Las distancias a la realidad. Lo lejano y la cercano en los Cuadernos de Igort. Anàlisi. Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura, 58. 2018
  • Serra, Marcello; González, Rayco. Ways of Seeing the Historic Process: An Analysis of the Spots from the Spanish Election Campaign of April 2019. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 2024
Additional Bibliography
  • Alberagamo, Maria. La transparencia engaña. Biblioteca Nueva. 2014
  • Breton, Philippe. La argumentacion en la comunicación. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2014
  • Dorfman, Ariel; Mattelart, Armand. How to Read Donald Duck. Imperialist ideology in the Disney comic. OR Books. 2018
  • Eco, Umberto. Apocalípticos e integrados. Lumen. 1993
  • González, Rayco; Serra, Marcello. Documentary functions: the uses of documents in non-fictional texts. Visual Studies. 2021
  • González, Rayco; Serra, Marcello. Documentary functions: the uses of documents in non-fictional texts. Visual Studies. 2024
  • Landowski, Eric. La sociedad figurada. Ensayos de sociosemiótica. Fondo de cultura económica. 1993
  • Lozano, Jorge (ed.). Secretos en red. Intervenciones semióticas en el tiempo presente. Sequitur. 2014
  • Lozano, Jorge; Martín, Miguel (eds.). Documentos del presente. Una mirada semiótica. Lengua de trapo. 2019
  • Nichols, Bill. Representing Reality. Issues and Concepts in Documentary. Indiana University Press. 1991
  • Perelman, Chaïm; Olbrechts-Tyteca, Lucie. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. University of Notre Dame Press. 1969
  • Polidoro, Piero. ¿Qué es la semiótica visual?. Universidad del País Vasco. 2016
  • Polidoro, Piero (ed.). Fake News, Misinformation/Disinformation, Post-Truth. Versus. Quaderni di studi semiotici n. 2, 2018, luglio-dicembre. 2018

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.