Checking date: 22/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Social Groups and its cultural imaginaries
Bachelor in Cultural Studies (Plan: 435 - Estudio: 364)

Coordinating teacher: CHECA PUERTA, JULIO ENRIQUE

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The training and maturity of any graduate student is assumed. This implies, among other things, adequate command of the language in which the subject is taught. Furthermore, it is important that each student expresses interest in reading and has the desire to approach the subject proposed in this subject with curiosity. It is also necessary for each student to actively participate in the sessions and accept the right to free expression of ideas, although these do not have to be shared, expressed in the texts or by the other people who are part of the group.
Access to analysis of cases, and the methodologies of their study, related to the relationships between fictional forms (stage and literary) and constructions of social meanings and cultural representations. Specifically, the following competencies will be developed: Analyze the relationship between fictional forms (stage and literary) and the construction of social meanings and cultural representations. Acquire the conceptual instruments necessary for the study of fictional forms (stage and literary), the construction of social meaning and the representation of culture. Acquire the methodological instruments that allow you to approach said study. Know and understand the theories currently present in studies on the topics covered by the subject. Know the relevant bibliography. Practice studying in an interdisciplinary way. Use oral and written methods of study and criticism. The program of the subject is aligned, in general terms, with all the commitments voluntarily acquired by the uc3m in terms of compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, objectives 4, 5, 8 and 16 are assumed as the backbone of the global teaching project of the literature area of the uc3m, which exercises its critical work within a higher public education institution, since they advocate quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth and peace, justice and the creation of strong institutions. In particular, this subject, as inferred from its reading program, the activity plan, the training process and the thematic repertoire addressed, with its corresponding explanations, also takes into account objectives 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, since as a whole they are concerned with reflecting on how to build a more just and decent society, favor inclusion within a diverse human fabric and act responsibly in the use and management of resources natural and caring for the environment. Prepare academic texts, oral and written, related to the subject.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
This course attempts to provide an analysis of the forms in which contemporary narratives construct social imaginaries that contribute to the development of identities and perspectives as well as presenting contemporary narrative theories. The relationships between identity, difference and otherness in diverse literary genres (narrative, drama) and other practices of cultural and visual representation will be studied. Identity as a main concept of contemporary culture holds various dimensions from ontological order that include not only individual to social but real to imagined or structural to conceivable historical. The programme includes all these aspects so that the student can adquire an interpretative concept of modernity dynamics that continue acting as constitutive processes of our societies nowadays. The student will learn how to recognise the principal matters when studying narrative forms, the construction of social meaning and the representation of culture, as well as the theories related to them. This will allow the student to adquire conceptual and methodological instruments in order to analyse them. This course attempts to provide an analysis of the forms in which contemporary narratives construct social imaginaries that contribute to the development of identities and perspectives as well as presenting contemporary narrative theories. The relationships between identity, difference and otherness in diverse literary genres (narrative, drama) and other practices of cultural and visual representation will be studied. Identity as a main concept of contemporary culture holds various dimensions from ontological order that include not only individual to social but real to imagined or structural to conceivable historical. The programme includes all these aspects so that the student can adquire an interpretative concept of modernity dynamics that continue acting as constitutive processes of our societies nowadays. The student will learn how to recognise the principal matters when studying narrative forms, the construction of social meaning and the representation of culture, as well as the theories related to them. This will allow the student to adquire conceptual and methodological instruments in order to analyse them.
Learning activities and methodology
AF1. CLASES TEÓRICO-PRÁCTICAS. En ellas se presentarán los conocimientos que deben adquirir los alumnos. Estos recibirán las notas de clase y tendrán textos básicos de referencia para facilitar el seguimiento de las clases y el desarrollo del trabajo posterior. Se resolverán ejercicios, prácticas problemas por parte del alumno y se realizarán talleres y prueba de evaluación para adquirir las capacidades necesarias. Para asignaturas de 6 ECTS se dedicarán 48 horas como norma general con un 100% de presencialidad. AF2. TUTORÍAS. Asistencia individualizada (tutorías individuales) o en grupo (tutorías colectivas) a los estudiantes por parte del profesor. Para asignaturas de 6 créditos se dedicarán 4 horas con un 100% de presencialidad. AF3. TRABAJO INDIVIDUAL O EN GRUPO DEL ESTUDIANTE. Para asignaturas de 6 créditos se dedicarán 98 horas 0% presencialidad. MD1. CLASE TEORÍA. Exposiciones en clase del profesor con soporte de medios informáticos y audiovisuales, en las que se desarrollan los conceptos principales de la materia y se proporcionan los materiales y la bibliografía para complementar el aprendizaje de los alumnos. MD2. PRÁCTICAS. Resolución de casos prácticos, problemas, etc. planteados por el profesor de manera individual o en grupo. MD3. TUTORÍAS. Asistencia individualizada (tutorías individuales) o en grupo (tutorías colectivas) a los estudiantes por parte del profesor. Para asignaturas de 6 créditos se dedicarán 4 horas con un 100% de presencialidad.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.