Checking date: 25/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Analysis of literary discourse
Bachelor in Cultural Studies (Plan: 435 - Estudio: 364)

Coordinating teacher: SORIA TOMAS, GUADALUPE

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Indispensable: Fluency in spoken and written Spanish. Recommended: Having taken the subjects belonging to the first year of the Degree in Cultural Studies.
This course is intended to introduce students to a range of theoretical and practical approaches to Analysis of Literature Discourse study. By the end of the course the student should be able to: - Promote an approach to the literary phenomenon in its historical variability, its systemic plurality and its textual complexity, privileging the diversity of approaches to address the main question of reading and analyzing a literary discourse. - Interpret the reading and commentary of a text from an intratextual dimension, paying attention to the literary strategies that compose a work, but also from a historical and systemic dimension, relating the literary discourse with the great aesthetic and poetic issues in which it is inserted. - Promote the development of analytical awareness when interpreting the literary phenomenon in its cultural framework, and the development of the resources for the exercise of a critical reading ability. - Master the technique of cultural analysis and its application to any sociocultural phenomenon. - Understand the characteristics that share and differentiate literary, audiovisual and/or performative discourses. -Apply the acquired knowledge, understanding and skills to the resolution of complex and/or specialized problems in the field of cultural analysis, including being able to analyze with a cultural perspective different social phenomenon.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
This course attempts to provide an approach to literary phenomenon and particularly to historical variability, systemic plurality and textual complexity. Diversity will be considered in the focus that will allow the student to address the main matters regarding reading a text analysis. By the end of the course the student should be able to: - Approach to literary communication: from production to reception. Presentation and approach to the definition of literature and the main tools of literary discourse analysis. - Reading and knowledge of a relevant sample of the main texts in the history of Western literature, as well as the critical and theoretical perspectives that have been formalizing the literary space. - Evolution of literary stylistics to the analysis of literary discourse. - Theories of enunciation and reflections on literary genre. Typology and definition of genres. Poetry, theater, novel and short story. Canonization and dynamicity of the generic perspective. -Introductory aspects of literary periodization. The evolution of literature through history. Main movements and currents from antiquity to the present day. Selection of fundamental texts of literature (fragments). Selection of founding texts of the main literary poetics. SYLLABUS The syllabus will be articulated according to, among others, the following issues: Fundamental concepts of literary discourse analysis, discursive paradigms, basics of enunciation, poetics, rhetoric, metrics and literary topic, ideological determinants of literary discourse, trends in contemporary writing. READINGS AND AUTHORS Throughout the course, the study and critical commentary of a series of works of universal literature will be carried out. This study carried out through the methodology of Literary Discourse Analysis, within the field of Cultural Studies, will be related to the series of topics addressed throughout the master classes. These authors, whose complete list of works and editions will be provided at the beginning of the course, include: Homero, Esquilo, Ovidio, Plauto, Petrarca, Montaigne, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Lope, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, María de Zayas, M. Shelley, Flaubert, Kafka, Cortázar, etc.
Learning activities and methodology
THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CLASSES. In these classes the knowledge to be acquired by the students will be presented. Exercises and practical problems will be solved by the student and workshops and evaluation tests will be carried out to acquire the necessary skills. For subjects of 6 ECTS, 48 hours will be dedicated as a general rule with 100% attendance. TUTORIALS. Individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or in group (collective tutorials) to the students by the professor. For subjects of 6 credits, 4 hours will be dedicated with 100% attendance. INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP WORK OF THE STUDENT. For subjects of 6 credits, 98 hours will be dedicated with 0% attendance. THEORY CLASS. Lectures in class by the professor with the support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the materials and bibliography are provided to complement the students' learning. PRACTICALS. Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. posed by the teacher individually or in groups. TUTORIALS. Individualized assistance (individual tutorials) or group (group tutorials) to students by the professor. For subjects of 6 credits, 4 hours will be dedicated with 100% attendance.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ***Final readings. will be . provided at the . begining of the course
  • Cervantes, Miguel de . Novelas ejemplares. Cátedra. 2015
  • Cortazár, Julio. Relatos, vol. 2. Alianza. 2012
  • Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Alianza. 2019
  • Homero. Odisea. Alianza. 2013
  • Joyce, James. Los muertos (en Dublineses). Akal. 2015
  • Kafka. La metamorfosis y otros relatos. Cátedra.
  • Moro, Tomás. Utopía. Alianza. 2012
  • Rivers (editor). Poesía lírica del siglo de Oro. Cátedra. 2020
  • Shakespeare. Obras completas. (Selección). (varias ediciones)
  • Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Obra poética. (Selección). (Varias ediciones)
  • Voltaire. Cuentos. (Selección). (Varias ediciones)
Additional Bibliography
  • Abrams, M.H.. El romanticismo: tradición y revolución. Antonio Machado Editores. 1992
  • Agamben, Giorgio. Estancias. Pretextos. 2016
  • Aparicio Maydeu, Javier. El desguace de la tradición. Cátedra. 2011
  • Aristóteles y Horacio. Artes poéticas. Taurus.
  • Auerbach, Erich. Mímesis. FCE. 2002
  • Baehr, Rudolf. Manual de versificación española. Gredos. 1997
  • Bajtín, Mijaíl. Teoría y estética de la novela. Taurus. 1989
  • Barthes, Roland. El grado cero de la escritura. Siglo XXI. 2005
  • Bartra, Roger. Cultura y melancolía. Anagrama.
  • Bartra, Roger. La melancolía moderna. Pretextos.
  • Beard, Mary. Mujeres y poder, un manifiesto. Crítica. 2017
  • Bell, Daniel. Las contradicciones culturales del capitalismo. Alianza. 1975
  • Berlin, Isaiah. Las raíces del romanticismo. Taurus. 2000
  • Berlin, Isaiah. Las raíces del romanticismo. Taurus.
  • Bernabé, Alberto y Pérez de Tudela, Jorge (eds.). Seres híbridos en la mitología griega. Ediciones del Círculo de Bella Artes. 2012
  • Bloom, Harold. El canon occidental. Anagrama. 1997
  • Boileau. El arte poética . Dykinnson.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre. Las reglas del arte. Génesis y estructuras del campo literario. Anagrama. 1997
  • Bowra, C.M.. Introducción a la literatura griega. Gredos . 2007
  • Butler, Judith. El género en disputa. El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. Paidós. 2007
  • Chirbes, Rafael. El novelista perplejo. Anagrama. 2002
  • Crespo, Ángel. Dante y su obra. Acantilado. 1999
  • Cuesta Abad, José Manuel y Jiménez Heffernan, Julián (eds.). Teorías literarias del siglo XX. Akal. 2005
  • Culler, Jonathan. Breve introducción a la teoría literaria. Espasa-Calpe. 2014
  • Eagleton, Terry. El acontecimiento de la literatura. Península. 2013
  • Eagleton, Terry. Cómo leer literatura. Espasa-Calpe. 2017
  • Estébanez Calderón, Demetrio. Breve diccionario de términos literarios. Alianza. 2015
  • Fokkema, D.W.; Ibsch, Elrud. Teorías de la literatura del siglo XX. Cátedra. 1988
  • Forster, H.A.. Literatura de la antigüedad clásica. Destino. 1966
  • Frenzel, Elisabeth. Diccionario de motivos de la literatura universal. Gredos. 1980
  • Fuhrmann, Manfred. La teoría poética de la antigüedad. Dykinson.
  • Gaffi, Alberto. La profecía de Dante. Vaso roto. 2016
  • García Gual, Carlos. Sirenas. Seducciones y metamorfosis. Turner. 2014
  • García Gual, Carlos. Historia mínima de la mitología. Los mitos clásicos y sus ecos en la tradición occidental. Turner. 2014
  • Grimal, Pierre. Diccionario de la mitología griega y romana. Paidós. 1966
  • Gutiérrez Carbajo, Francisco. Movimientos y épocas literarias. UNED. 2002
  • Gándara, Alejandro. Las primeras palabras de la creación. Anagrama. 1988
  • Hatzfeld, Helmut. Estudios sobre el barroco. Gredos. 1966
  • Jameson, Frederic. Posmodernismo. La lógica cultural del capitalismo avanzado. Paidós. 1989
  • Jauralde, Pablo. Métrica española. Cátedra. 2020
  • Kayser, Wolfang. Interpretación y análisis de la obra literaria. Gredos. 1992
  • Lodge, David. El arte de la ficción. Península. 1998
  • Lukacs, G.. Teoría de la novela. Random House. 2016
  • Mireaux, Emile. La vida cotidiana en los tiempos de Homero. Hachette. 1962
  • Ong, Walter. Oralidad y escritura. FCE. 1982
  • Paredes, Alberto. Las voces del relato. Cátedra. 2015
  • Paz, Octavio. Los hijos del limo. Seix Barral. 1989
  • Pigilia, Ricardo. El último lector. Anagrama. 2005
  • Quilis, Antonio. Métrica española. Ariel. 1988
  • Reis, Carlos. Fundamentos y técnicas del análisis literario. Gredos. 1981
  • Rico, Francisco. El sueño del humanismo. Alianza. 1993
  • Safranski, Rüdiger. Romanticismo. Tusquets.
  • Sebald. Pútrida patria. Anagrama. 2005
  • Spang, Kurt. Persuasión. fundamentos de retórica. Eunsa. 2005
  • Steiner, George. Presencias reales. Destino. 1998
  • Todorov, Tzvetan. Los géneros del discurso. Monte Ávila. 1978
  • Todorov, Tzvetan. el espíritu de la ilustración. Galaxia Gutenberg.
  • Victor Hugo. Manifiesto romántico. Nexos. 1989
  • Villoro, Juan . De eso se trata. Anagrama. 2005
  • Wellek, René y Warren, Austin. Teoría literaria. Gredos. 1985
  • Zola, Emile. El naturalismo. Península.
  • Zumthor, Paul. La poesía y la voz en la civilización medieval. Abada. 1984
  • Étiemble, René. Ensayos de literatura (verdaderamente general). Taurus. 1977

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.