The aim of this subject is to present a historical panorama by showing the origin and singular characteristics of cultural studies. It is an objective to relate
them with the close more traditional disciplines, as philosophy and social sciences, especially sociology and anthropology. An especial emphasis will
be on the transdisciplinary methodology of cultural studies, as in them converge topics and methods of the literary theory, semiotics, ethnomethodology,
communication theory, as well as philosophy and sociology. This does not mean that the result would be a mere summation or even worse, a reduction
to some of these disciplines. The student should understand what is peculiar to the perspective of the cultural analysis, and how it concerns to the multiple
phenomena which define the contemporary culture and its ancestries. Somehow, it is a subject that shows a general view on the overall degree, as
the topics will be developed later:
1. The Birmingham School and the beginning of the cultural studies
2. The cultural criticism of Frankfurt School
3. Influences of semiotics and structuralism on cultural analysis
4. The poststructuralist perspective
5. The ¿Cultural Wars¿ and the perspective of cultural studies
6. Cultural criticism from subalternities.