Checking date: 18/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Effective Language Strategies
Bachelor in Management and Technology (Plan: 486 - Estudio: 351)

Coordinating teacher: SUAREZ HERNANDEZ, ARIANA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The student must be proficient in spoken and written English. Without a good command of the language, it will not be possible to pass the course.
In this course students should learn to: - draft an academic, scientific or technical text correctly and to compose and present a speech following a logical order, with precise language that is appropriate to the context. - present a topic, project or report before a specific audience and through digital media - use intonation correctly and take advantage of the expressive possibilities of non-verbal language. - communicate effectively in the digital environment - know the characteristics of inclusive language and include it in oral and written texts, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 5 (gender equality).
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The program addresses the strategies necessary for the drafting and presentation of any type of written text or oral speech in the academic environment. The content is structured as follows: A. ELEMENTS OF ORAL AND WRITTEN TEXTS 1. WHAT IS SAID: How to choose a topic? The timeliness of the topic and its appropriateness to the context of the communication What is included and what is discarded Adaptation to the oral or written production and reception medium. The digital medium 2. HOW IS IT STRUCTURED: How is a text constructed? The structure of the text: the outline and table of contents How to begin and end oral and written texts according to the communicative situation Narrative strategies. Storytelling 3. HOW TO PREPARE: What techniques can be used to prepare a good presentation? Mnemonic strategies Rehearsal techniques 4. HOW TO PRESENT: What is the correct and effective way to deliver a speech or presentation? The correct expressive register or adaptation to the recipient in oral, written, and digital environments Common mistakes and how to avoid them. Attention to digital media Use of inclusive language 5. HOW IS IT CARRIED OUT: What is the process involved in writing or presenting a good text? Elements of an oral presentation (paralanguage, diction, stage fright) Elements of written language for drafting an academic text Elements of digital communication. Netiquette or how to behave on the Internet B. CASE STUDIES ORAL - Presentations and videoconferences in an academic context - Proposal and defense of a project - Debates WRITTEN - Drafting an academic paper - Drafting a technical report, a research paper or essay - Written communication in the digital media
Learning activities and methodology
The methodology prioritizes the practical application of the content and the development of skills will be promoted by means of activities such as the following: 1. Writing an academic paper with the objective of drafting well constructed texts, with precise and appropriate vocabulary. 2. Writing and sending messages and academic work through digital media. 3. Group and individual oral presentations to improve communicative competence and delivery in front of an audience. 4. Videoconferencing as a communicative and educational method. 5. Constructive criticism of the presentations by peers and professor.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Bailey, S.. Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students. Routledge. 2017
  • Hering, L. and Hering, H.. How to Write Technical Reports: Understandable Structure, Good Design, Convincing Presentation. Springer. 2010
  • Kipfer, B.A.. Roget¿s 21st Century Thesaurus. 3rd ed. Delta Publishing. 2005
  • Merriam-Webster,s. Merriam-Webster,s Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield: Merriam-Webster. 2020
  • Oxford Dictionary. Oxford Dictionary of English. (2010). 3rd ed.. Oxford University Press. 2010
Additional Bibliography
  • Benson, M., Benson, E. and Ilson, R.. The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2009
  • Bottomley, J.. Academic Writing for International Students of Science. 2nd ed.. Routledge. 2019
  • Crystal, D.. Making a point: the Persnickety Story of English Punctuation. 1st ed. . St. Martin's Press. 2015
  • Hancock, M.. English Pronunciation In Use. 2nd ed. . Cambridge University Press. 2017
  • Horn, D. . Principles of Public Speaking. 21st ed. . Routledge. 2024
  • Hostetler, M.J. and Kahl, M.L.. Advanced Public Speaking: A Leader's Guide. 2nd ed. . Routledge. 2017
  • Ibbotson, M.. Cambridge English for Engineering. Cambridge University Press. 2008
  • Koch, A. and Schmitt, J.. Speaking with a Purpose. 11th ed. . Routledge. 2023
  • McConnel, J. . Mixing and Matching Academic Writing Techniques to Create Something Uniquely You. . Routledge. 2022
  • Nunan, D. and Choi, J. . Clarity and Coherence in Academic Writing: Using Language as a Resource. 1st ed. . Routledge. 2023
  • Rothwell, E.J. and Cloud, M.J.. Engineering Speaking by Design: Delivering Technical Presentations with Real Impact. 1st ed. . CRC Press. 2015
  • Strunk, W. and White, E.B.. The Elements of Style. 4th ed. . Pearson. 1999
  • Thomson, P.. Refining Your Academic Writing Strategies for Reading, Revising and Rewriting. 1st ed. . Routledge. 2022
  • Truss, L. . Eats Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. 4th ed. . HarperCollins. 2010
  • Tusting, K., McCulloch, S., Bhatt, I., Hamilton, M. and Barton, D. . ). Academics Writing: The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation. 1st ed. . Routledge. 2019
  • Wallwork, A.. User Guides, Manuals, and Technical Writing. A Guide to Professional English. . Springer. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.