Checking date: 25/11/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor in Management and Technology (2020 Study Plan) (Plan: 393 - Estudio: 351)

Coordinating teacher: STIRPE , LUIGI

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department, Computer Science and Engineering Department

Type: Bachelor Thesis
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The requirements to enroll in the Bachelor Thesis (BT) are established by the university regulations. Only those students who enroll in all the pending courses for finishing their studies, can register for the thesis.
The Students must develop and show their competence in the following skills: - Knowledge of instrumental disciplines - Written communication skills - Oral communication skills - Collect and analyze relevant information - Use of knowledge for solving practical problems - Ethical skills
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The students will have assigned a personal tutor to supervise their Bachelor Thesis. There are two ways to organize the relationship with the tutor. The subject can be structured in two alternative modalities: A) GENERAL MODALITY: The students are organized in class groups analogously to any other subjects (enrolment, class, intranet...). Each group is linked to a specific field of knowledge, with a specialized tutor in that area. Students joining a group implicitly accept to develop a Bachelor Thesis in that particular area. The student will propose a particular topic to the tutor, who must authorize the project. The maximum number of students per class is determined by the Bachelor direction, according to the university rules. If for one class the demand exceeds the supply, the assignment will be based on students' previous academic records. B) SPECIFIC MODALITY: This is a specific subject work to be done by a student under the supervision of one tenured professor of the university. The students wishing to work on this type of mode should request the professor for the acceptance to supervise their work beforehand. Then, candidate students must submit to the general coordinator of this subject an application form signed by the professor who accepts to supervise his bachelor thesis, for consideration and approval. After this step, students must enroll in the group of "Specific Mode". This group consists of all the students who are going to work on the thesis according to the specific mode and the administrative organization of the group is similar to any other undergraduate courses.
Learning activities and methodology
The teaching-learning method will be tutorial. The tutor is the advisor who guides the students of the best options to choose throughout the thesis development process. A possible process for this type of work can be the following: 1. Once the student identifies an interesting topic, he/she presents the idea to the tutor who has to authorize the student selection. The tutor will guide the students during the different steps of the process. 2. The student will gather all the necessary information to solve the problem analyzing the information in deep. Based on this analysis, students must develop the main ideas and conclusions. 3. The student will prepare a thesis document showing the content of his work. This is to justify, demonstrate and convince in the most effective way possible, the validity of the methodology, the results and the possible formulated proposals.
Assessment System
The evaluation will be done in two phases: 1. The tutor will make a first evaluation that will have a weight of 30%. 2. A committee, formed at least by two members, will assess the oral defense of the work by the student. The grade will have a weight of 70%. There are two periods for presented the thesis (one in July and one in September). Only students who have passed 85% of the ECTS credits of their degree can defend the TFG. Those students, who have registered in the course and do not meet this requirement at the end of the academic year, can dispense the exam. They must do the thesis in the next course or in the next presentation period. Students may also choose for free dispensation. The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program within Aula Global for the delivery of student work. This program compares the originality of the work delivered by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text copied and pasted.
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.