Checking date: 28/04/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor in Data Science and Engineering (Plan: 392 - Estudio: 350)

Coordinating teacher: LÓPEZ SANTIAGO, JAVIER

Department assigned to the subject: Signal and Communications Theory Department

Type: Bachelor Thesis
ECTS Credits: 12.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Those required by the University in relation to the conditions to start and present the Bachelor Thesis.
The student will develop the skills acquired throughout her/his studies, and apply the corresponding knowledge to the realization of a project in the field of this Degree that will end with a written report. The latter will include the analysis, resolution of questions and conclusions belonging to the scope of the project. The student will carry out the defense and presentation of her/his project before a committee, arguing clearly the relevant questions and solving the problems that may have arisen in the project.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Original exercise and extended summary in English to be presented and defended in front of an academic committee. The work will be an integral project in the field of data science and engineering that will be professionally oriented where the different competences acquired during the degree courses should be demonstrated or an innovative work developing an idea, prototype or a model related to a one of the fields developed during the Bachelor.
Learning activities and methodology
AF4: INDIVIDUAL WORK ON THE END OF THE DEGREE. The student will develop the skills acquired throughout their studies and will apply the knowledge learned to the completion of a project in the area of this grade that will end with a written report. It will contain the analysis, resolution of questions and conclusions that correspond to the scope of the project. AF5: ORAL PRESENTATION OF THE FINAL PROJECT. The student will defend and present his/her project before a board of examiners, clearly arguing the corresponding questions and solving any problems that may have arisen in the project. MD4: SUPERVISION OF FINAL PROJECT. The End of Degree Project tutor will assist and guide the student in all those aspects necessary for him/her to carry out a good final project and to express it clearly and professionally in the written report. Tutorials can be done in person or through electronic means.
Assessment System
The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program within the Aula Global for the delivery of student work. This program compares the originality of the work delivered by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text that are copied and pasted. If the student has correctly made the appointment and the bibliographic reference of the documents he uses as a source, Turnitin will not mark it as plagiarism. EVALUATION OF THE TUTOR OF THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE FINAL 1. The tutors of the work will prepare an evaluation report in which they will grade with an overall mark from 0 to 10 the level reached by each student during the development of the work in terms of their ability to plan and organize the task, attend tutorials and other scheduled teaching activities, level of achievement of objectives as well as any other aspect that is considered necessary according to the verification report of the degree or the regulations of the corresponding Center. 2. The tutors, in view of the results and percentages of coincidences detected in the plagiarism control systems, must state their opinion on this matter in their report, stating, where appropriate, the possibility of the existence of plagiarism, without prejudice to the definitive evaluation that corresponds to the evaluating body. 3. This report shall be sent to the board or, where appropriate, to the teacher making the assessment. SE4: TOTAL FINAL EVALUATION. It will be done through an oral test of Defence of the Final Work before a panel chosen for this purpose that will evaluate the student's work, the results obtained and the presentation of the same according to a rubric or evaluation matrix. Previously, the student must prepare a report of the work done that will be given to the members of the board in due time.
Assessment Matrix
Basic Bibliography
  • Antonio Sánchez Asín . Trabajos fin de grado y de postgrado: guía práctica para su elaboración. Aljibe, 2016 .
  • Iria Da Cunha . El trabajo de fin de grado y de máster: redacción, defensa y publicación. Editorial UOC, S.L.. 2016
  • Juana Mª González García . Cómo escribir un trabajo de fin de grado. Síntesis. 2014
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional information
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.